How to loop over an array using bash script – Code Example

Get the code to loop over an array using bash script. We will provide 3 ways to loop over an array. You can fetch each element of array or use indexes.

Code Example –

1. Fetching elements of array –


arr=(Cattle feed us milk like a mother and we kill them. What a shame)

for element in "${arr[@]}"; do
    printf '%s\n' "$element"

# Output: 
# Cattle
# feed
# us
# milk
# like
# a
# mother
# and
# we
# kill
# them.
# What
# a
# shame

2. Access array values using index (method 1)


arr2=(Do not hurt animals)

for i in "${!arr2[@]}"; do
    printf '%s\n' "${arr2[i]}"

# Output:
# Do
# not
# hurt
# animals

3. Access array values using index (method 2)


arr3=(Respect nature)

for ((i=0;i<${#arr3[@]};i++)); do
    printf '%s\n' "${arr3[i]}"

# Output:
# Respect
# nature

Inspired from Dylan Araps

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