what utility is equivalent to the pathping command on linux system?

mtr is the linux utility which is equivalent to the pathping command on windows system. So whatever pathping command does on windows, mtr does the same on linux. In this article, we will go through both the utilities and compare their outputs.

What is pathping?

Pathping is a windows command line tool which gives information regarding network. It describes the network latency and packet loss in between hops from local machine to the target address.

Pathping works by sending multiple echo requests to the hops and receives the packets from them. Then It analyzes the percentage of packets returned from each router. This way we can understand the problems in the network.

Let’s run pathping on akashmittal.com and check the output –

pathping /n akashmittal.com

The output will look like this –

C:\Users\akash>pathping /n akashmittal.com

Tracing route to akashmittal.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

Computing statistics for 175 seconds...
            Source to Here   This Node/Link
Hop  RTT    Lost/Sent = Pct  Lost/Sent = Pct  Address
                                0/ 100 =  0%   |
  1   15ms     0/ 100 =  0%     0/ 100 =  0%
                                0/ 100 =  0%   |
  2   19ms     0/ 100 =  0%     0/ 100 =  0%
                                0/ 100 =  0%   |
  3   21ms     0/ 100 =  0%     0/ 100 =  0%
                                0/ 100 =  0%   |
  4  209ms     0/ 100 =  0%     0/ 100 =  0%
                                0/ 100 =  0%   |
  5  222ms     0/ 100 =  0%     0/ 100 =  0%
                                2/ 100 =  2%   |
  6  226ms     3/ 100 =  3%     1/ 100 =  1%
                                0/ 100 =  0%   |
  7  225ms     2/ 100 =  2%     0/ 100 =  0%

Trace complete.

The first list of IP addresses signifies the total hops through which a request will reach my website from my local system. In the second list we can see the time taken at each router along with the packet loss in percentage.

pathping on akashmittal.com

How pathping is different from tracert?

tracert is another command line tool in windows which determines the path from source to destination. It uses ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) or ICMPV6 messages to send echo requests to routers in the path. A maximum TTL hop value (default 30) is set in IP packet which is decremented by each router by 1 or more. This way either the destination is reached or ttl becomes 0 and a time exceeded message is returned.

tracert is different from pathping as it gives no information about packet loss. This utility is way faster than pathping because it’s only responsible to trace the path from source to destination.

To use tracert, run this command on cmd –

tracert akashmittal.com

The output will look like this –

C:\Users\akash>tracert akashmittal.com

Tracing route to akashmittal.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1    79 ms     2 ms     1 ms  RTK_GW []
  2    12 ms    13 ms     9 ms
  3    13 ms    10 ms     9 ms  nsg-corporate- []
  4   197 ms   203 ms   205 ms
  5   262 ms   203 ms   203 ms  de-cix-frankfurt.as13335.net []
  6   219 ms   205 ms   202 ms
  7   265 ms   203 ms   163 ms

Trace complete.

You can see that when I run tracert command over my website akashmittal.com, I got 7 hops and it tried to fetch the DNS host name of each IP, whenever possible.

tracert output on akashmittal.com

How mtr is equivalent to pathping?

mtr is the linux utility which combines the functionality of traceroute and ping commands. While ping command determines the total packet loss from source to destination, traceroute gives route from source to destination. traceroute in linux is equivalent to tracert in windows.

Let’s check the output of ping on akashmittal.com –

ping -c 10 akashmittal.com

In the above command I used -c 10 flag to limit the ping request to 10. Otherwise it would have gone forever and we need to terminate it by pressing ctrl+c. The output of ping looks like this –

akash@LAPTOP-389NRSIQ:/mnt/c/Users/akash/OneDrive/Desktop$ ping -c 10 akashmittal.com
PING akashmittal.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=59 time=178 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=59 time=158 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=59 time=199 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=59 time=174 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=5 ttl=59 time=245 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=7 ttl=59 time=164 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=8 ttl=59 time=210 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=9 ttl=59 time=233 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=10 ttl=59 time=163 ms

--- akashmittal.com ping statistics ---
10 packets transmitted, 9 received, 10% packet loss, time 9011ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 157.716/191.543/244.817/30.137 ms

You can see that out of 10 packets, it received 9 and lost 1. So, it’s 10% packet loss.

ping command running on akashmittal.com

Now let’s check the output of traceroute command. You might need to install traceroute first before using it. Also in WSL, you need to install inetutils-traceroute otherwise firewalls will prevent the packets at routers. Run these commands –

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install inetutils-traceroute
sudo apt install traceroute

Now run traceroute on akashmittal.com –

traceroute -I akashmittal.com

-I flag is used to send ICMP packets. Why? because firewall at routers do not block these packets.

If you are using WSL then run the below command –

inetutils-traceroute -M icmp akashmittal.com

The output of traceroute will look like this –

akash@LAPTOP-389NRSIQ:/mnt/c/Users/akash/OneDrive/Desktop$ inetutils-traceroute -M icmp akashmittal.com
traceroute to akashmittal.com (, 64 hops max
  1  0.961ms  0.636ms  0.904ms
  2  61.149ms  12.027ms  8.989ms
  3  86.341ms  9.369ms  9.490ms
  4  260.385ms  129.901ms  198.882ms
  5  202.327ms  317.201ms  *
  6  1503.906ms  187.019ms  203.571ms
  7  203.277ms  202.917ms  203.475ms

You can see that the output is quite similar to that of tracert.

traceroute on akashmittal.com

Finally we will run mtr on akashmittal.com and check the output –

mtr akashmittal.com

If you are getting error on windows WSL while running mtr then it means you are using WSL1. You need to set it to WSL2. Run this command on Windows CMD –

wsl --set-version Ubuntu 2

This will take few minutes in conversion. After that, you can run mtr command again on terminal. The output should look like this –

                      My traceroute  [v0.93]
LAPTOP-389NRSIQ (     2022-10-01T12:47:27+0530
Keys:  Help   Display mode   Restart statistics   Order of fields   quit

                                    Packets               Pings
 Host                               Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
 1. LAPTOP-389NRSIQ.mshome.net      0.0%    13    0.4   0.5   0.4   0.7   0.1
 2. RTK_GW                          0.0%    13    4.0  20.6   2.0 230.0  62.9
 3.                 0.0%    13   13.1  20.7  10.8 104.4  25.3
 4.        0.0%    13   13.9  14.1  10.6  30.1   5.0
 5.                  0.0%    13  132.0 132.4 130.4 137.0   1.6
 6. de-cix-frankfurt.as13335.net    0.0%    13  166.2 179.7 160.3 273.6  30.4
 7.                    0.0%    13  186.8 166.9 159.7 186.8   7.2
 8.                   8.3%    13  253.9 196.0 162.5 255.0  37.2

The result of mtr shows list of hosts, packet lost in percentage and the latency. Along with them, it shows the total packets sent.

mtr command on akashmittal.com


In this article we saw the similarity and differences between multiple route commands on both windows and Linux. We also discussed about windows pathping and it’s counterpart application in Linux, mtr. We use these utilities to track the route of requests from source to destination and get enough information about congestion on particular router.