Tellraw Minecraft Color Codes Bedrock & Java – Code Example

To generate a colorful text in minecraft using tellraw commands in Bedrock and Java, we are providing you the code. We will also list major colors with their chat code, MOTD code and name.

Code Example –

For Java –

/tellraw @a {"text":"Generate Red Text","color":"red"}

Output – Generate Red Text

For Bedrock –

/tellraw @a {"rawtext":[{"text":"§2Generate Green Text"}]}

Output – Generate Green Text

§2 is the code for green color.

Color List

Chat color codes MOTD color codes Color name/description
§4 §4 “dark_red”
§c §c “red”
§6 §6 “gold”
§e §e “yellow”
§2 §2 “dark_green”
§a §a “green”
§b §b “aqua”
§3 §3 “dark_aqua”
§1 §1 “dark_blue”
§9 §9 “blue”
§d §d “light_purple”
§5 §5 “dark_purple”
§f §f “white”
§7 §7 “gray”
§8 §8 “dark_gray”
§0 §0 “black”
§r §r “reset” Reset color to default
§l §l Bold
§o §o Italic
§n §n Underline
§m §m Strike
§k §k JRQaT+/F{z