How to customize material design theme in React Native using Paper?
React-native-paper provides a default theme which is used automatically. But if you want to customize that, then you need to provide theme prop in <provider> component. This prop holds the…
How to install react-native-paper library in react native project?
React-native-paper is a community package which is used to add material design theme in mobile apps. It works in both Android and iOS applications. In this article we will see…
How to hide the keyboard programmatically in React Native?
React native provides Keyboard API which is used to handle keyboards in mobile phones. In order to hide the keyboard, we can use dismiss() function of this API. To hide…
How to get mobile width & height dimensions in React Native?
React native provides Dimensions API and useWindowDimensions() hook to get width & height size of Mobile Screen and Window, in React Native. With this, you can calculate the dimensions of…
Error: function ‘Rcpp_precious_remove’ not provided by package ‘Rcpp’
R lang throws the error: function ‘Rcpp_precious_remove’ not provided by package ‘Rcpp’ when you are trying load a package which is compiled using newer version of Rcpp, but your own…
How to create a toast in React Native? Code Example
To create a toast in React Native, we can use ToastAndroid api which provides 3 methods – show(message, duration) message – The text message to display in toast. duration –…
How to remove n elements from array using Lodash & JavaScript?
To remove n number of elements from beginning or end of an array in Javascript, you may use these methods provided by Lodash – _.drop(array, n) _.dropRight(array, n) _.dropRightWhile(array, predicate)…
How Lodash _.differenceBy() and _.differenceWith() works? Code Example
In the previous article we saw how we can remove the common elements of second array from first array using _.difference() function of Lodash. There are two more functions provided…
Sql query to find records not containing value – code example
SQL provides NOT IN (…) keyword to fetch records where column does not contain some values. In this article we will see few examples of different use cases. First, let’s…
How to Conda update Python in virtual environment?
There are multiple ways to update Python using Anaconda. You can create a virtual environment with desired version of Python or you can also install target Python version in main…
How to remove common values of first array from second in JavaScript?
Suppose you have an array and you want to remove values from it which are common in second array, then you can use _.difference(array, [values]) function of Lodash. Let’s see…
Build failed due to use of deprecated Android v1 embedding
If you are using Flutter and getting deprecated Android v1 embedding error then it means you are building an older version of your project. According to Flutter Migration Guide –…
How to concat arrays and values in javascript, reactjs and lodash?
Use _.concat(array, [values]) function of Lodash to concat multiple arrays, nested arrays and individual values. Suppose you have the below values to concat – Now after concatenation, they should look…
Convert a foreach loop to LINQ in C# – Code Example
We can convert a foreach loop to LINQ in C# using defined syntax of linq. The Linq query works when there is IEnumerable in foreach loop. What is LINQ? LINQ…
How to leave a virtual environment in Python? Code Example
In order to leave a virtual environment you can close the shell terminal or command prompt. That will end the session. But Python also provides deactivate command which is used…
How to print a boolean value in C language? Code Example
There is no format specifier for Boolean in C language. But we can print True/False using conditional operators. Suppose you have a boolean – Now in order to print true…
How to remove false, null, 0, “”, undefined, NaN from array in JavaScript?
Use _.compact(array) of Lodash to remove all false values like – false, null, 0, “”, undefined and NaN from array in JavaScript and ReactJS. Suppose you have an array with…
How to group array elements into chunks in Javascript, reactjs & Lodash?
Lodash provides _.chunk(array, size) function which is used to break array elements into group of equal sized chunks. For example – The parameters of _.chunk(array, size) are – array –…
Type ‘{}’ is not assignable to type ‘ReactNode’ module not used as JSX
module cannot be used as a JSX component; Type ‘{}’ is not assignable to type ‘ReactNode’ because React 18 has some breaking changes like ReactDOM.render() is deprecated. You need to…
Python was not found; run without arguments to install from Microsoft Store
The complete error looks like this –
Python was not found; run without arguments to install from the Microsoft Store, or disable this shortcut from Settings > Manage App…