Check if string or array ends with substring in bash script – Code Example


In this article we will provide you a bash script code with live demo to check if a substring is present at the end of a string or array. We will also see the code for conditions when substring is not at the end.

Code Example –

1. Check if substring is at the end of string –


var="This is a string"

if [[ $var == *ing ]]; then
    printf '%s\n' "var ends with sub_string."

# Output:
# var ends with sub_string.

2. Check if substring is NOT at the end of string –


var="This is a string"

if [[ $var != *str ]]; then
    printf '%s\n' "var does not end with sub_string."

# Output:
# var does not end with sub_string.

3. Check if substring is at the end of array –


arr=("This" "is a" "string")

if [[ ${arr[*]} == *ing ]]; then
    printf '%s\n' "sub_string is at end of array."

# Output:
# sub_string is at end of array.

4. Check if substring is NOT at the end of array –


arr=("This" "is a" "string")

if [[ ${arr[*]} != *str ]]; then
    printf '%s\n' "sub_string is not at end of array."

# Output:
# sub_string is not at end of array.

Inspired from Dylan Araps

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