In this article we will provide you code examples to convert hex color to RGB and RGB to hex using bash script. The code will work for both with or without #
characters in hex colors.
Code Example –
1. Hex color to RGB –
#!/bin/bash hex_to_rgb() { : "${1/\#}" ((r=16#${_:0:2},g=16#${_:2:2},b=16#${_:4:2})) printf '%s\n' "$r $g $b" } hex_to_rgb "#FFFFFF" # Output: # 255 255 255
2. RGB to Hex code
#!/bin/bash rgb_to_hex() { printf '#%02x%02x%02x\n' "$1" "$2" "$3" } rgb_to_hex "255" "255" "255" # Output: # #ffffff