How to create a pull to refresh loader in React Native? Code Example

Table of Contents Hide
  1. Code Example
    1. Live Demo
  2. Conclusion

Pull to refresh loader works in ScrollView and List components like FlatList or SectionList. Although these lists supports pull to refresh inherently but that is not customizable.

React Native provides <RefreshControl> component which supports some customization like changing loader color and background. Also you can add some message after loader in iOS.

Code Example

import React from 'react';
import { RefreshControl, SafeAreaView, ScrollView, StyleSheet, Text } from 'react-native';

const App = () => {
  const [refreshing, setRefreshing] = React.useState(false);

  const onRefresh = () => {
    if(!refreshing) {
      setTimeout(() => setRefreshing(false), 8000);

  return (
    <SafeAreaView style={styles.container}>
        <Text>Pull down to see RefreshControl indicator</Text>

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    justifyContent: 'center'
  scrollView: {
    flex: 1,
    backgroundColor: 'pink',
    alignItems: 'center',
    justifyContent: 'center',

export default App;

The output will look like this –

Refreshing scrollview using RefreshControl component in React Native.

In this code we using <RefreshControl> component in refreshControl prop of ScrollView. This is the basic implementation of refresh controller where we passed the refreshing state and onRefresh function.

Live Demo

Open Live Demo


A simple pull to refresh functionality can be created using <RefreshControl> component of React Native. It works with ScrollView, FlatList and SectionList.

React Native Series


  1. Basic Alert
  2. Dismiss on Clicking Outside
  3. Input Fields in Alert Dialog – Prompt()
  4. Dark-Light Theme of Dialog


  1. Basic Circular Loader
  2. Change size of Circular Loader
  3. Show/hide Circular Loader
  4. Change color of Circular Loader


  1. Simple Button
  2. Change Button Color
  3. Disable Button Click
  4. Disable touch sound on Button click


  1. Simple List
  2. Single Item Selection from List
  3. Multiple Item Selection from List
  4. Adding separator between list items
  5. Multiple columns List
  6. Showing Message in Empty List
  7. Add Footer to the List
  8. Add Header to the List
  9. Horizontal List
  10. Inverted List
  11. Pull to Refresh in List
  12. Infinite Loading List


  1. Section List


  1. ScrollView
  2. Stick Single Item at Header
  3. Stick Multiple Items at Header
  4. Stick Item at Footer
  5. Hide Sticky Element on Scroll


  1. Display Image from remote url
  2. Display local storage image
  3. Display Base64 Image
  4. Display Gif & Webp Images
  5. Adding Blur to Image
  6. Displaying loader for Image
  7. Resizemode for Images
  8. Setting Default Placeholder Image
  9. Background Image


  1. Basic Modal
  2. Slide from bottom Modal
  3. Fade In Modal
  4. Transparent Overlay Modal


  1. RefreshControl
  2. Change Refresh Loader Color
  3. Change Refresh Loader Size
  4. Change Refresh Loader Background Color
  5. Title under Refresh Loader
  6. Change color of title under refresh loader


  1. Get StatusBar Size
  2. Change StatusBar Background Color
  3. Display StatusBar icons & text in While Color
  4. Display StatusBar icons & text in Dark Color
  5. Hiding StatusBar
  6. Translucent StatusBar


  1. Simple Switch
  2. Disable Switch
  3. Change Switch Colors


  1. Adding Text
  2. Bold Text
  3. Italic Text
  4. Underline Text
  5. Selecting Text for copy-paste
  6. Changing Highlight Color of Text Selection
  7. Fit text in View box
  8. Clickable anchors in text
  9. Truncate Lengthy Text


  1. Simple Input Field
  2. Auto Capitalize Text in Input Field
  3. Multiline Input Field
  4. Hide Cursor in Input Field
  5. Clear input Field using X
  6. Clear input Field when focused
  7. Change Cursor Color in Input Field
  8. Disable input field
  9. Icon at the left of Input Field
  10. Dark-Light Keyboard
  11. Avoid Overlapping of Keyboard
  12. Limiting Characters in Input Field
  13. Numeric Keyboard
  14. Email Id Keyboard
  15. Phone number Keyboard
  16. Url Keyboard
  17. Placeholder in input field
  18. Placeholder Color in Input Field
  19. Password Input Field
  20. Programmatically select text in Input Field
  21. Change Text Selection Color in Input Field
  22. Select Whole text in Input Field on Focus
  23. Write text from center in input field
  24. Changing underline color of input field


  1. TouchableWithoutFeedback


  1. TouchableHighlight


  1. TouchableOpacity


  1. Pressable
  2. Creating Ripple Effect


  1. Dark-Light System Color Scheme


  1. AppState – Foreground/Background State of App


  1. Creating Android Toast Message


  1. Getting Screen & Window Dimensions


  1. Dismiss Keyboard Programmatically

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