In this article we will provide you the bash script code to urldecode. This code can decode the percent encoded string like decodeURIComponent() function in javascript. Code Example – Not…
In this article we will provide you bash script code to urlencode. This code will percent encode the string like `encodeURIComponent()` function in javascript. Code Example – Not only urls,…
This article will provide you a bash script code to remove substring from end of string. This code will only remove the substring pattern if it appears at the very…
Let’s see the bash script code example to remove substring from a string if that substring appears in the beginning of the string. It is different from first occurrence as…
Get bash script code example to remove first occurrence of substring from string. You can match through a normal substring or a regex. Code Example – 1. Function – 2.…
In this article we will provide you the bash script code to remove all matching substrings from the provided string. You can use regex or simple string pattern as matching…
In this article I will provide you bash script code to remove quotes from string. This code will remove both single ‘ and double ” quotes. It’s ready to use…
In this article I will provide you the code to reverse each character case in a string using bash script. Convert from uppercase to lowercase and vice versa. This code…
In this article I will provide you code to convert your strings to all caps or uppercase using bash script. All caps strings are use in headings, titles, banners, posters…
In this article I will provide you the bash script code to convert your strings to all lowercase. We require this functionality a lot like when storing usernames, emails, url…
In this article we will provide you bash script code to split a string using a delimiter. You can use this code as it is in your existing projects. Common…
In this article we will provide you bash script code for getting input from terminal. We will use read command to read the value provided by user. Code Example –…
In this article we will provide you bash script code to check if string is a valid username. A username can have lowercase alphanumeric, underscore and dash. It could be…
In this article we will provide you bash script code to check if password is strong or weak. We will match the protocol of – 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase…
In this article we will provide you bash code to resolve $’\r’: command not found error. This happens because of wrong new line encoding. Since bash is a linux based…
In this article we will provide you bash script code to match regex. You can match a string against a provided regex. This code could be used to create custom…
In this article we will provide you bash script code to remove all the extra white spaces in the string at any location. This will sanitize the provided string completely.…
In this article we will provide you code to trim white spaces in string from start & end using bash commands. You can use this code to sanitize strings received…