In this article we will see how to run docker containers for Plex, Sonarr, Radarr, Jackett and Transmission. Together these technologies make a complete suit. Let’s see how we can…
To access docker container filesystem and terminal, use this command – Here the choice of terminal depends on the flavor of operating system used by container image. Some of them…
In order to set custom name to a docker container, use this command – For example, we can run a mongodb container with custom name as my-mongo-container – This will…
We saw in our last article how to get logs of a docker container. In this article we will see how to continuously stream the logs in host machine. For…
In order to get logs of docker container, we can use this command – Or, For our example of mongodb, let’s first run a container – Now let’s check which…
To bind a docker container port with host, use this command – Let’s see this using an example. First, we need a docker image which exposes a port. Generally the…