no longer support global installation of Create React App – Code Example


React deprecated the global installation of create-react-app. Now you don’t even need to install create-react-app. Use npx to always get the latest version of create-react-app.

Solution with Code Example

First, uninstall the previous version of create-react-app which you installed globally –

npm uninstall -g create-react-app

Or, if you used yarn then –

yarn global remove create-react-app

Note: If you are not sure which package manager you used while installing create-react-app, then run both of the commands. There will not be any side effects.

Second, create your project using npx

npx create-react-app project_name
cd project_name
npm start

Now you won’t get the warning, “You are running create-react-app, which is behind the latest release. We no longer support global installation of Create React App“.