Today we will the cause and solution of net::ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR. This is a http/2 error and could be caused by number of reasons like – Wrong headers Empty headers Wrong content…
There are multiple ways to get slug from url in wordpress. In this article we will show you the code examples of some of these most useful ways. Code Example…
Introduction Web scraping is a technique used for extracting data from websites. And a piece of code or software that helps you to scrape data is known as a scraper.…
In this article I will share the code to create navbar in chakra-ui. We will use React Js for this. You may use any framework of your choice. Primary components…
To customize chakra-ui theme in gatsby project you will need to shadow gatsby-plugin/theme.js file with your own theme file by extending it. This is different from what we do in…
In this article we will learn how to add chakra-ui to a gatsby project. First you will need to install it using npm or yarn. Then add @chakra-ui/gatsby-plugin to plugins…
In this article I will show you how you can add chakra-ui in your next.js project. First, you will need to install chakra-ui using npm or yarn. Then import ChakraProvider…
In this article I will show you how to customize a default theme of chakra-ui in your react project. You need to add theme attribute in ChakraProvider component in App.js.…
In this article we will show you how to install Chakra-ui in react projects. You can use the template property of create-react-app to start your project with chakra built in.…
In this article we will learn about Kyverno which is a Kubernetes policy engine. It is used to create, test and apply policies. It also provides mechanisms for reporting, monitoring…
There could be number of reasons where you get the error, Kibana server is not ready yet. Some of them includes – Configuration error in Kibana indexes Wrong elastic.hosts settings.…
You can get a range of characters within a string in Golang using [:]. It takes the start and end index and return the substring. To remove last character, you…
If expo or react-native-cli is not able to find a file extension it will throw the error while trying to resolve module none of these files exist. To resolve this…
ViewPropTypes is removed from React Native. If you try to use it, then React Native will throw ERROR Invariant Violation: ViewPropTypes has been removed from React Native. Migrate to ViewPropTypes…
From V0.69, React-Native stopped supporting global installation of react-native-cli. If you try to run npx react-native init MyProject command, it will throw TypeError: cli.init is not a function error. To…
You may allocate heap memory to JavaScript in any node framework like NextJs or ReactJs from package.json. Generally you never encounter heap error but if you are getting one then…
Array is referenced through it’s memory location. This location doesn’t change when there is some update over array. A react state takes this location. But since the location doesn’t change…
To set and clear timeout in React component, you can use useEffect() hook with empty array as second parameter. You can clear a timeout from the return function because a…